
The statistics refer to the public database after the last refresh (2024-04-13). Note that the internal database can be significantly larger at a given time point because as yet not all entries underwent the final quality check. More information on type-strain deposits in Biological Resource Centres (BRCs) is found on the culture collection page. Information on the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) is provided on the nomenclature page. Validly published names of Cyanobacteria are mostly validly published under International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN).

For the approximate number of taxonomic proposals per country see the page on corresponding authors. For the number of species per genus, see the page on the largest genera. There is also a page on the number of taxon names per year.

Category species: 24702

Category genus: 4121

Category family: 851

Category subspecies: 782

Category order: 372

Category class: 180

Category phylum: 53

Category tribe: 24

Category suborder: 23

Category kingdom: 7

Category subclass: 7

Category division: 3

Category domain: 2

Category subgenus: 2

Category species: 20193

Category genus: 3737

Category family: 594

Category subspecies: 504

Category order: 232

Category class: 106

Category phylum: 43

Category tribe: 24

Category suborder: 22

Category kingdom: 7

Category subclass: 7

Category division: 2

Category domain: 2

Category subgenus: 2

Category species: 2553

Category genus: 1072

Category family: 243

Category phylum: 200

Category order: 189

Category class: 133

Category subspecies: 13

Category superphylum: 2

Category subclass: 1

Category suborder: 1

Category species: 5762

Category genus: 802

Category subspecies: 225

Category phylum: 135

Category family: 123

Category class: 66

Category order: 47

Category subphylum: 27

Category kingdom: 18

Category subclass: 15

Category division: 14

Category superphylum: 13

Category uncategorized: 13

Category domain: 10

Category infrakingdom: 10

Category infraphylum: 9

Category subdivision: 9

Category subkingdom: 9

Category superclass: 9

Category variety: 7

Category form: 6

Category suborder: 6

Category subdomain: 3

Category superdivision: 3

Category superkingdom: 1

Category species: 4852

Category genus: 695

Category variety: 220

Category family: 137

Category form: 82

Category order: 22

Category subgenus: 21

Category class: 15

Category subfamily: 7

Category section: 2

Category tribe: 2

Category subspecies: 1

Words: 86479

Grammar specifiers: 86263

Explanations: 84069

Syllabifications: 42681

Explanations, nonredundant: 34879

Words, nonredundant: 28502

Syllabifications, nonredundant: 21744

Grammar specifiers, nonredundant: 283

Taxonomic notes: 127227

Type-strain deposits: 98989

Type-strain deposits in BRCs: 76905

Type-strain deposits in active BRCs: 71000

Type-strain deposits in linked BRCs: 63466

Publications: 28387

16S rRNA gene accession numbers: 23584

Emendations: 5125

Last covered IJSEM issue: 74/03 (March 2024), number of IJSEM lists: 2

LPSN (collected by new production system): 28392

LPSN (imported from pre-DSMZ version of LPSN): 16819

PNU (Prokaryotic Nomenclature Up-to-date): 5504

This LPSN page was printed on 2024-04-27 12:20:04